Download Hindustan Times epaper pdf:
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Hindustan Times newspaper is very good for the competetive exams like IAS, SSC, PSC , UPSC , RRB , CAT ETC and all different kinds of competetive exams .
Information About Hindustan Times Newspaper :
Hindustan Times is an Indian daily newspaper in English language . Started by Mahatma Gandhi in 1924, it played a major roles in the Indian independence movement time as a nationalist and pro-Congress daily. The owner of this newspaper is Shobhana Bhartia and is entirely controlled by the KK Birla family.
Hindustan Times is one of the largest distributed newspapers in India . As per the Audit Bureau of Circulations in November 2017 it has a overall circulation of around 993,645 copies . And according to the survey done by the Indian Readership in 2014 revealed that Hindustan Times is the second most widely read English newspaper in India after The Times of India. It is most popular in North India side, which is also widely distributed among various places like New Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Patna, Ranchi and Chandigarh etc.
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