DBMS ( Database Management System) .We can say it like as DBMS => Database + Management System which is known for managment of data in different form and storing of data in different ways. Database is used for managment of data by using various sets of programs and codes it's managment system is used to retrive and acess data from various ways or location by using some different set of rules . Here are the DBMS notes which will help you to learn and master this course in very effective manner.
Below are topic wise notes :
Introduction to DBMS
DBMS Applications
Advantages of DBMS over file processing system
DBMS Architecture
View of Data
Data Abstraction
Instances and Schemas
Data Models in DBMS
E-R Model in DBMS
DBMS Generalization
DBMS Specialization
DBMS Aggregation
Relational Model in DBMS
RDBMS concepts
Hierarchical data Model in DBMS
Network Model in DBMS
Database languages
Relational Algebra
Relational Calculus
Keys in DBMS
Primary key
Super key
Candidate key
Alternate key
Composite key
Foreign key
Constraints in DBMS
Domain constraints
Mapping constraints
Cardinality in DBMS
Functional dependencies in DBMS
Trivial functional dependency
non-trivial functional dependency
Multivalued dependency
Transitive dependency
Normalization in dbms – This covers all the normal forms: First Normal Form(1NF), Second Normal Form(2NF), Third Normal Form(3NF), Boyce–Codd Normal Form(BCNF)
Transaction Management in DBMS
ACID Properties
Transaction States
DBMS Schedules
DBMS Conflict Serializability
DBMS View Serializability
Concurrency Control
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